Make a ChatBot in Python with the Microbit card (12-15 yo)
In this Python coding camp, your teen will get an introduction to scripting coding with Python and will make a ChatBot with the MicroBit electronic card:
- CODING + ELECTRONICS Your teen has already coded with Scratch or Stencyl and wants to learn a genuine scripting language? Following our animator’s instructions, he makes his/her first steps in Python, discover electronics and makes a ChatBot that can communicate with the other electronic cards. MicroBit is an electronic card composed of a LED matrix which makes it fun to learn coding and electronics!
- LOGIC They learn the logic of coding (loop, condition, variable, table etc) and tape their first lines of Python to create algorithms! This is the end of the visual approach of coding, no more blocks, yeah to real lines of code! Python will be part of the academic program of high school starting 2020.
- CUSTOMIZATION Because MicroBit is easy to ease, they will be able to customize their ChatBot to send messages and images of their own creation. Prepare your cutest smileys!
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